- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This Data Science course provides a comprehensive introduction to the field, covering key concepts and tools used in data analysis. You’ll learn to clean, analyze, and visualize data using Python, explore statistical methods, and implement machine learning algorithms. The course includes hands-on projects, allowing you to apply techniques to real-world datasets. By the end, you’ll gain the skills to make data-driven decisions and build predictive models. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your data science expertise, this course will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge.
Data Science combines statistical analysis, machine learning, and data manipulation to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. It enables organizations to make data-driven decisions by uncovering patterns and trends that might not be immediately apparent. Through predictive modeling and analytics, Data Science improves business operations, enhances customer experiences, and drives innovation. It also supports the development of personalized solutions across various industries, from healthcare to finance. Ultimately, Data Science transforms raw data into actionable intelligence that fosters growth and efficiency.
1What is Data Science?Video lesson
2Roles and Responsibilities of a Data ScientistSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "What is Data Science?" before accessing it.
3Real-world ApplicationsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "What is Data Science?" before accessing it.
4VectorsThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
5MatricesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
6Eigen valuesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
7Eigen vectorsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
8DifferentiationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
9IntegrationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
10Partial DerivativesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
11Probability DistributionsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
12Bayes' TheoremSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
13Descriptive StatisticsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
14Inferential StatisticsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
15Hypothesis TestingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
16Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
17Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Vectors" before accessing it.
18Python for Data Science: Data typesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
19Python for Data Science: Control FlowSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
20Python for Data Science: FunctionsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
21R Programming : Basic SyntaxSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
22R Programming : Data ManipulationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
23Data Structures: ArraysSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
24Data Structures: Linked ListsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
25Data Structures: StacksSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
26Data Structures: QueuesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
27Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
28Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Python for Data Science: Data types" before accessing it.
29Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
30Data Cleaning: Handling Missing ValuesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
31Data Cleaning:OutliersSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
32Data Cleaning: DuplicatesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
33Data Transformation: NormalizationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
34Data Transformation: ScalingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
35Data Transformation: EncodingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
36Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Importing and Exporting Data (CSV, Excel, SQL, JSON)" before accessing it.
37Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
38Line PlotsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
39Bar ChartsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
40HistogramsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
41Box PlotsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
42HeatmapsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
43Dashboarding: Introduction to Power BI or TableauSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
44Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
45Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, ggplot2 (for R)" before accessing it.
46Linear RegressionThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
47Polynomial Regression,Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
48RegularizationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
49Logistic RegressionSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
50k-NNSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
51SVMSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
52Decision TreesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
53Random ForestsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
54Model Evaluation: Cross-validation, ROC Curve, Precision, Recall, F1 ScoreSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
55Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
56Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Linear Regression" before accessing it.
57Clustering: k-MeansThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
58Clustering: Hierarchical ClusteringSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
59Clustering: DBSCANSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
60Dimensionality Reduction: PCASorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
61Dimensionality Reduction: t-SNESorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
62Dimensionality Reduction: LDASorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
63Anomaly Detection: Isolation ForestSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
64Anomaly Detection: One-class SVMSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
65Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
66Mini ProjectThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
67Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clustering: k-Means" before accessing it.
68Ensemble Methods: BaggingThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
69Ensemble Methods: BoostingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
70Ensemble Methods: StackingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
71Model Optimization: Grid SearchSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
72Model Optimization: Random SearchSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
73Model Optimization: Hyperparameter TuningSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
74Model Deployment: FlaskSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
75Model Deployment: DockerSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
76Model Deployment: CI/CD for MLSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
77Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Ensemble Methods: Bagging" before accessing it.
78Neural Networks: PerceptronThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
79Neural Networks: BackpropagationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
80Neural Networks: Activation FunctionsSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
81Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Image ClassificationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
82Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Object DetectionSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
83Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
84Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Neural Networks: Perceptron" before accessing it.
85TokenizationThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
86LemmatizationSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
87Stopwords RemovalSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
88Language Models: Word2VecSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
89Language Models: GloVeSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
90Language Models: BERTSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
91Text Classification: Sentiment AnalysisSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
92Text Classification: Spam DetectionSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
93Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
94Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Tokenization" before accessing it.
95Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, PigThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
96Spark: RDDs, DataFrames, Spark SQL, MLlibSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig" before accessing it.
97NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, CassandraSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig" before accessing it.
98Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig" before accessing it.
99Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Hadoop Ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig" before accessing it.
100ETL Pipelines: Extract, Transform, Load using Apache AirflowThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
101Data Warehousing: Introduction to Redshift, SnowflakeSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "ETL Pipelines: Extract, Transform, Load using Apache Airflow" before accessing it.
102Cloud Computing: AWS S3, EC2, LambdaSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "ETL Pipelines: Extract, Transform, Load using Apache Airflow" before accessing it.
103Hands-on ExercisesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "ETL Pipelines: Extract, Transform, Load using Apache Airflow" before accessing it.
104Mini ProjectSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "ETL Pipelines: Extract, Transform, Load using Apache Airflow" before accessing it.
105ExamplesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
106DeliverablesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Examples" before accessing it.
107Additional ActivitiesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Examples" before accessing it.

Working hours
Monday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Tuesday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Wednesday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Thursday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Friday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Saturday | 9:30 am - 9:30 pm |
Sunday | Closed |